Some Changes Coming Along In This Blog
Good morning everybody. I am writing to let you know that this blog will be undergoing a change from the pure financial format to more of an opinion driven format. Exact details of that are under review, meaning I don’t know yet what sort of content I will be posting as I am too busy right now to work it all out. Rest assured it will be literate and incisive, and meant to add value to your thinking, but it will come later.
There are a couple of reasons for this change. The first is that creating the Energy Investors Research blog was an attempt to broaden my audience from the one I maintain on Seeking Alpha, and create a low cost- $5.00 month, subscription service. The intent was to convert to a paywalled format once we got to a couple of thousand subs, or so. After nearly two years, this effort really hasn’t caught traction as there are only about 250 free subscribers. So I had been mulling over a change for a while now.
Some of you may be familiar with The Daily Drilling Report-DDR on Seeking Alpha, and my nom de plume there-The Fluidsdoc. The second reason for this change was just delivered by Seeking Alpha, which has just introduced Tiers of service- Free, Basic, and Full-(“Full” is what has existed up to this point and is relatively expensive on an absolute basis-$625.00 per year, but includes the very detailed articles I’ve posted here, the stategic articles I write about the industry in general, access to the hundreds of older articles and research I’ve posted on SA, and chat where members can exchange ideas and of course I interact as well.)
As part of their pivot to drive subscription revenue Seeking Alpha is going to dump my nearly 10,000 followers on the platform into the free tier of the DDR, and I’ll be honest here, the primary purpose of which is to drive subs to the Basic service. If this is even remotely successful, I am going to be a busy boy with very little time left over for what has become a hobby platform here.
Some of you have indicated in the past that you would be willing to pay a nominal amount monthly-$5-7.00, to read my articles. That fits neatly into the pricing for the Basic Tier of the DDR on Seeking Alpha, which is listed on the site at $99.00 per year, but is offered with a 25% discount, making the final tally $74 per year. It will include a couple of picks monthly and a performace tracker. If that would interest you, here’s a link to the Landing page of the Basic Tier. (Give this a day or two. There’s still some house keeping to do)
If you want more content then perhaps the Full service tier is for you. I publish 2-3 detailed articles weekly, and update a 16-20 company portfolio and energy market lookahead for the week. The service is very inter-active, and I am usually on chat once or twice a day responding to questions or leading a discussion. Here’s an example of what I just posted in Chat this AM describing yesterday’s oil market activity.
Well that was ugly. A perfect storm of worries crimping the oil trade as the new quarter got underway. The dollar, turmoil in Congress. Chinese name it, those are just my top three. Here's a bright spot. I think yesterday's action takes any notion by OPEC+ to add barrels to the market any time soon, right off the table. No question that the inventory reports along with further strengthening action by the dollar index will drive action in the oil equities market for the next few day. I see River18 has posted Michael Blair's comments above. He's a shrewd student of the market, and I would put a lot of store in his commentary. The road ahead has some twists and turns for sure but our thesis for Q-4 and 2024 remains intact.
Thanks for making the journey with me the last year and three quarters. I hope will all remain subscribed here for future opinion driven content, and perhaps a few of you will join the conversation in the DDR.
Cheers, Dave Messler aka The Fluidsdoc